Thursday 30 November 2023

Advent Sermon Series 'Songs of the Savior' by the Skit Guys

 December 3rd to 24th

In this Advent sermon series, you’ll meet Mary and Elizabeth, who encounter the Joy to the World that God brings. Come alongside Joseph and his donkey as he prepares to make the hard journey to Bethlehem, concluding with Come Thou Long Expected Jesus. Join a shepherd who has been forever changed by the message he’s been tasked to spread, but now must revive the faith in his friends and urge them to Come, All Ye Faithful. Walk with a group of far-traveling wise men as they ponder What Child Is This. Finally, bring the experience together under the beauty of the beloved nativity, and celebrate the arrival of the Christ child.

Friday 15 September 2023

Kick-off Sunday

Join us for worship at 10:30am. 

BBQ and bouncy castle for kids begins at 12pm.

Wednesday 13 September 2023

Fall sermon series: Searching for God

This series looks at some of the most commonly searched questions about God on the internet. How do we know he is good? Why does he allow bad things to happen? Does God love everyone? How do we know his will? As these questions are explored, we’ll learn more about God’s nature. God is waiting to be found.

Wednesday 28 June 2023

Summer Sermon Series: Stories

Being a part of God’s family should be a powerful force in our life. A loving and honest community is where real belonging and, therefore, real transformation happens. This sermon series will teach the importance of living authentically with each other by sharing our stories: the true testimony of who we are and who God is for us.

Thursday 13 April 2023

New sermon series begins April 16

The world is shouting for our attention with answers to our relationship struggles, solutions to our financial trouble, and explanations to our search for meaning. But the world's promises leave us empty and searching for more. God's Word is the only answer that promises to transform our lives from the inside out.

Transformed is a 7-week study that will guide and help us to grow by exploring what the Bible has to say about every essential area of our lives: Spiritual, Physical, Mental, Emotional, Relational, Financial, and Vocational.

Friday 17 March 2023

Men's Breakfast


Join us for food and fellowship at 9:00am on the last Saturday of every month!

Dinner Church

You are invited to a FREE community supper! The event will take place Tuesday, March 28th at 6:00pm in the church hall. It will include live music and a God story. Please invite family and friends to come with you. All ages welcome.



Wednesday 1 February 2023

A new sermon series on the gospel of Mark begins Sunday, Feb 5th

This eight-week sermon series explores key themes in the Gospel of Mark, especially the concept of the kingdom of God and its upside-down values. Over and over again, we learn how this coming kingdom elevates the marginalizes, protects the vulnerable, and finds its strength in weakness. Through following our new ruler, we learn to receive the kingdom and live as previews to its coming glory. 

Thursday 5 January 2023

A new four-week sermon series begins January 8th, 2023

God’s Word reveals who God is and his purposes for believers, but we often struggle to engage with Scripture in a meaningful way. This series will help modern disciples prioritize God’s Word in their lives and teach believers to be informed and transformed by God’s Word.


Summer Series: "Ordinary People. Extraordinary God"

Over the summer, we will be delving into a series that looks directly into the lives of ordinary people throughout the Bible that God has us...