Thursday 22 December 2011

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas!!!

I just want to invite you to our Christmas Eve service here at Massey Place Community Church.

6:30pm on Saturday December 24th

This will be a wonderful time to just reflect, sing and get into the Christmas spirit.  We will reflect on the themes of advent (hope, love, joy and peace).

Come on out - and lets celebrate/remember the birth of our of our Saviour Jesus Christ.

Also - check out our latest newsletter with many other events happening at MPCC, by using your smart phone's camera and the qr code below.

Merry Christmas to all!


Thursday 17 November 2011

November 17th, Church Update

Good day to all, as I sit and write this post, my car is slowly being blanketed in snow.  Winter has arrived, along with the cold wind fluffy white snow.

This coming Sunday, November 20th, we get the great privilege of hearing from Greg McCombs.  He is the director of the Canadian Marriage and Family Network.  He has been coaching us, in the development of our Marriage Mentor program, we are very pleased to have him come and share the last message in our Family Matters series, he will be speaking on 'circles of influence'.  I'm really looking forward to it.

Next Friday, November 25th, from 5-7 pm we are going to be hosting another Massey Place Community Supper.  For only $3.00 a plate, you will get spaghetti, salad, garlic toast, dessert (cookie) and a drink!  You can't beat that!!  So - let me officially invite you, come and join us, no pressure and no stress.  Just come, bring your family, neighbours and friends (hey - you could even invite your enemies for that matter :)!

Also, take note, that Sunday November 27th, is the start of the Advent season.  Christmas is almost upon us!

The new church newsletter is available here - or scan this QR code with your smart phone for the mobile version, to take with you on the go!

Have a GREAT weekend, and May God Bless You ALL!

Thursday 3 November 2011

November 3rd Church News

November 3rd Church News

Below you will find a link you can click on, and a qr code (for your smart phone - just use the qr reader and it will automatically open up the newsletter on your phone).

This weekend is a busy weekend, for many people and many different reasons.  All the information is on the newsletter about the Empower 11' training, the MCC AGM and Encounter and also about our Sunday service.  I'm also excited about our first group meeting for the Cuba 2012 trip we are planning, Sunday at 3pm.  

This Sunday in the service we will be looking further into our 'Family Matters' series, specifically focusing on Household Finances.  Who hasn't been stressed about money?  Come and join us as we look at what God say's about finances within the home.

This Sunday - 9:30 for Adult Sunday School  and 10:30 for the Worship service.  See you then!

Find the Newsletter here.

or scan this Code with your smartphone:

Wednesday 19 October 2011

October 19th, Church News

Time, family, money, love, neighbours and strangers.  All of these things sometimes seem to slip away, grow up, be forgotten, or never heard from.  All of these things are important to God.

As we talk about Family Matters over the next few Sundays, we will continue to explore these ideas from the viewpoint of God, through the Bible.

This Sunday, we invite you to 'be our guest' as we talk about 'welcoming guests'.  What does the Bible say about welcoming strangers?  Welcoming neighbours?  About our homes, in this world?

Please also consider our church mission trip to Cuba this coming winter.  we are looking at a 7 day trip, to serve and learn from our fellow churches in Cuba, with a timeframe of late February/early March.  If this interests you, please let us know.

Also, Consider coming to the Empower 11' weekend training.  Find all the information on the newsletter below.  The dates are November 4th and 5th, and will be a great resource to help you understand the growing Muslim population of Saskatoon (and Canada).

For the Newsletter click here ----- or scan this qr code.

Have a wonderful week and see you Sunday at 10:30 (9:30 for Adult Sunday School :) 

Thursday 13 October 2011

October 13th, church news

Well, the rain has begun, leaves are falling and there is a chill in the air.  FALL HAS ARRIVED!

This Sunday, after a fabulous Thanksgiving weekend, we are starting a New Sermon series.

Family Matters - We will be starting this week with the topic of Grace Filled Homes

Also we have the great privilege of having a fellowship Lunch to follow the morning service.  Sausage and Perogies, all for only $5.00 a person (5 and up).  It's always an amazing time to sit and eat together following the service.

Have you ever considered going on a missions trip?  How about seeing Cuba?  We will have the unique opportunity to head to Cuba this coming winter, if this interests you, just use the contact page and send me a email or give me a phone call!  It will be a very exciting time!

Below you will find a qr code for your smart phones, just scan it and you will be linked to this weeks newsletter.  Or click on this link --- to view it online.

May God Bless you this week!

Monday 3 October 2011

Le damos la bienvenida a nuestro servicio en español con el Pastor Miguel Robles. Este servicio está abierto a todas las personas que hablan español y es un tiempo increíble de culto y la enseñanza. Domingo a las 3:00 pm.

This coming Sunday is Thanksgiving Sunday.  We invite you to come and join us as we give thanks for what we have, who we are and where God is leading us.  Thanksgiving and Hope always go Hand in Hand.  10:30 am - You are Invited!

Tuesday 27 September 2011

What a September this has been!  Unbelievable weather, sunshine and wind!

This have also been blowing through the church very quickly, from our Missions Sunday on the 18th, to the various fall activities we have been moving in overdrive around here.

This coming Sunday, October 2nd, we will be talking about the theme "Can I make a difference in my life?"  Can we?  Can we truly change our lives, our paths, our futures?  I believe that the answer is yes and no :)  There are two sides to the question, and yet one answer.  Come on out Sunday at 10:30am to explore this with us through the lens of the Bible.

Please also consider checking out our 'Comfort Makers' on Wednesday nights at 7:00pm at the church.  They take used materials, fabrics, sheets, linens (even a donated Wedding dress once!), and repurpose them into amazing quilts and blankets --- THEN GIVE THEM AWAY!  They have are distributed through various agencies locally and even overseas, to help people stay warm, and 'comfortable' in our cold days and nights.  You don't even need to know how to quilt, it you can operate a pair of scissors, you will fit right in!

También consideramos nuestro servicio en español, el Pastor Miguel Robles,lleva un buen grupo de varios países de español en un tiempo increíble de culto y la enseñanza domingos al las 3:00 pm.  

Let us know if you have any questions --- and May God Bless you today.

Monday 12 September 2011

Missions/Kick off Sunday - September 18th

This Sunday (September 18th) is shaping up to be an amazing day, and YOU are invited (yes you!).

We will be having a joint service, both the english and spanish services are meeting at 10:30 am.

Our guest speaker, John Hawbaker will be speaking to us about how WE can make a Global Difference.  It will be a fantastic service!

Followed by a BBQ lunch! --- We will have burgers (supplied by the church) - and everyone is invited to bring a Salad or Dessert!  It will be a great time of food, fun and friends.

See you all This Sunday!

Tuesday 23 August 2011

Fall Plans

What a great summer it has been!  It's shocking to think that in 6 days the kids start back at school, labour day weekend is just around the corner and halloween costumes will be hung up on store shelves within weeks!

I just want to mention a few things we are planning for this fall.

Our Kids Church program will begin again on September 11th, come and reconnect with the friends and family and let your kids experience some great teaching geared just for them!

A joint kick off Sunday September 18th, 10:30 am with our Spanish service joining us, a special quest speaker, John Hawbaker from our World Missions office in Pennsylvania, and a bbq lunch to follow!

We are also making plans for many different fall activities.

The Comfort Makers, our quilting group is open to anyone and they start again on September 7th at 7pm.  If you're interested in re-purposing all sorts of material to GIVE away to to those in need - this group is for you!

We are also putting together plans for another Financial Peace University Course.  This will be our fifth time running the program, please check out the website and contact us if you have any questions.  Financial Peace is a start to finish financial course.  From how to get out of debt, savings, mortgages and retirement - it is an amazing course.  We are not yet listed on their website as our start date has not yet been confirmed, but email us and we will make sure you are kept up to date!

We are also looking forward to opening up our door for the Nurturing with Rhymes program.  This will start in early September and is open to everyone!  Check the link for further information.

These are just a few of the things to come this fall - but thought I let you know what to start looking forward to here Massey Place Community Church.

Saturday 2 July 2011


Welcome to the very first posting of our new blog/web page for Massey Place Community Church.

We invite you to come and join us Sundays at 10:30 am for our English Service, or Sundays at 3:00 pm for our Spanish service.

See you Sunday!

Summer Series: "Ordinary People. Extraordinary God"

Over the summer, we will be delving into a series that looks directly into the lives of ordinary people throughout the Bible that God has us...