Friday 28 July 2017

Massey Place Community Church


July 23rd, 2017

Morning Service - 10:30 am

Guest Speaker - Brett Passmore
Hitting the Wall

Children's Church

No Children's Church for the summer months!
Activity Packs will be handed out before the sermon!

Be sure to check the Children's Ministry Page for New Information!

All our Children's Church staff have taken our Plan to Protect Program!

Come prepared to Worship!


Iglesia en Español

Sunday School - 2:00 pm
Main Service 3:00 pm

A Sower went forth to sow!

Living and Learning Together

9:00 am - English Worship Practice – (Sanctuary)
10:00 am - Pre-service prayer (June's office)

8:00 pm – Spanish Worship practice

1:00 pm - Comfort Makers - Finished for the season!

7:00 am - Men’s prayer breakfast (Grainfields on Circle Dr.)
6:00 pm - Spanish Prayer meeting (Library & Sanctuary)
7:00 pm - Youth Group (gr. 6-12) Summer break!
8:00 pm - Spanish worship practice (Sanctuary)

10:00 am - Nurturing with Rhymes (Hall)
1:00 pm - Small Group/Bible Study (Boyenkos-Stonebridge)
This groups alternate space will be at Grainfields Restaurant
7:00 pm - Prayer meeting (Church Library)

8:00 pm – Spanish worship practice

Upcoming Events

Summer Sermons - Words of Wisdom

Useful Links This Week

Thessalonians: Faith in Uncertain Times

In a world filled with death, war, and evil, how are we to face what feels like an unknowable future? What do w...