Saturday 10 January 2015

Sunday January 11, 2015

Sunday morning January 11, 2015

Adult Sunday School
Conversations with Pastor Curtis  -    9:30 am
Morning Service
Pastor Curtis and Family sharing about the Zambia Sabbatical                                      -  10:30 am
Sunday afternoon
Spanish Sunday School - 2:00 pm
Spanish Service - 3:00 pm

Living and Learning Classes and Opportunities 
New opportunities to be announced in the next few weeks! Stay tuned!
Living Together
Monday am Bible study now at the church - Call the church for details
Men's Fellowship breakfast  at 7:00 am every Wednesday morning at Grainfields on Circle Drive
Men's Bible Time - Garainfields on Circle Drive - 1:00 pm. Thursdays
(at the back of the restaurant) Study in Proverbs
Upcoming Events
Massey Place Community Church Annual General Meeting - January 25, 2015 after the morning service.

Useful Links This Week FormaciónMinisterio en español - comprobar el enlace Check out the article "Catch the Vision!" How to pray for your Leaders! Mennonite World Conference is in Pennsylvania, USA in 2015 July 21 - 26

Summer Series: "Ordinary People. Extraordinary God"

Over the summer, we will be delving into a series that looks directly into the lives of ordinary people throughout the Bible that God has us...